Protect Yourself Online !

Try our highly effective online safety tool, designed to shield you from fake online stores, phishing attacks and fraudulent websites

How does it work?

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    Start by entering the URL of any website that you want to check.

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    We then use advanced algorithms to analyze the URL, uncovering domain registration details, the website’s organic traffic profile, overall content quality and more.

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    Finally, you’ll receive an easy to read security profile as a report, allowing you to know for sure whether you can trust the website.

Why choose us?

Staying safe and secure online is harder than ever. The technology behind scams and fraudulent websites is moving into uncharted territory, making the role plays more important than ever. Our detailed website security profiles equip you with the data and insights you need to stay safe in this fluid online landscape. Just ask yourself, is it really worth the risk? With the click of a button, you can avoid scams while keeping your data, identity and money safe.

Who are we?

The team here at is united by our vision to create a safer online community. One entirely free of scams and scammers. We’re driven by a belief that the internet should be a secure and trustworthy space for everyone. With diverse backgrounds in technology, security and user experience, brings together our team’s vast expertise to keep you safe online.